Exhibitions / Melt, Splinter & Thread

Exhibition Title: Melt, Splinter & Thread
Location & Date: October 2014 - January 2015 at Cube Gallery, Phoenix.

'Splinter' is a programmed LED and acrylic installation. It is a simple line drawing rendered in three dimensions. Complex behaviours play through the structure creating waves of movement and changes in colour.

'Melt2' is constructed from architectural screen fabric to create changing layers of opacity, like standing inside the layers of a drawing as simple geometries open and close around the viewer. Melt2 is animated using complex lighting behaviors. As the viewer walks through, a maze of diagonal planes, complex views and compositions illuminate and fade around them.

'Thread' is made from sanded fibre optics attached to programmed LEDs. Each fibre is tensioned through perforated boards that locate all the lines in geometric formations. The light emits from the fibre optic where the surface is abraded. The process of ‘drawing’ into the illuminated structure by sanding the fibres takes place in the gallery when the structure is established.